Contact Us
500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158
Joining the Maverick Central Neighborhood Association is easy and free, just attend a meeting! Members are eligible to vote if they live within our borders AND have attended attend 2 of the last 3 meetings prior to their vote. Attendance is taken at every meeting.
Our Priorities
Responsible Development
New commercial and residential development is vital to our expanding neighborhood. We support developers who are actively engaged with the community and working with residents to make the Maverick Central neighborhood a better place for all. If you are a developer looking to build in the Maverick Central neighborhood, we invite you to present your plans to us and hear what our community has to say.
Community Engagement
As East Boston grows, we are excited to see so many new faces joining our neighborhood. The Maverick Central neighborhood is a wonderful place to live, with great restaurants, friendly neighbors, easy access to public transportation, and so much more. We want our community to serve everyone, from our newest arrivals to those whose families have been here for generations. Our community works better when we’re all involved and represented. We encourage everyone to get involved, of any languages preference, age, or background.
Our Board
Deb Raso - President